Friday, February 17, 2012

Live and Learn

Recently I was talking with Marie again and we were talking about my recent move to CA. 

Well that move was a bust.  With no job, no money, and no place to stay anymore I ran out of options and was forced to decided to come back home.  Good thing I have a home to come to! 

She said something powerful to me though..."Sometimes God lets us make mistakes so we can learn to clean up our own messes."

Well, I'm cleaning up a mess.  Not a huge one, fortunately, but a mess. 

Hopefully in all the chaos that is my life I can find the path I need to take...


Shawni said...

Hi Erin, thanks for saying hi on my blog, and welcome home from the mission! Aren't missions the best things ever? I wish you the best of luck as you figure things out back at home. I'll have to keep an eye out for your brother here in Gilbert :)

Sara said...

Hey sweetie,
Welcome back. It will all work out. Love you, and hope to see you soon.