Monday, December 14, 2009

To those of you who read my blog:

You all know that I am going on a MISSION so its time to take guesses to where YOU think I will go! Just comment with your guess and I will put it on the map! A treat for whoever guesses the closest!
P.S. My call should come second or third week in JANUARY so you better guess right!


Hailey Jones said...

wisconsin of course.

or the ukraine.

because howdah is cool too

Heidi Madsen said...

WARNING: I am REALLY good at this game! I'm not kidding, I almost always guess right. For you, Miss Erin, my thoughts are directed to the states, east coast! Good luck! can't wait to hear about it!!! Merry Christmas my dear!

Sara Hansen said...

My guess is............west virginia